ZIP / RAR / ACE Password Recovery
KLLabs ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords to files
of the following types: ZIP, RAR (including v3.x and v4.x, SFX, multi-volume and
archives with encrypted filenames) and ACE archives.

program has a convenient user interface
- Drag-and-Drop is supported
- The program can work with archives containing only one encrypted file
- RAR Archives (All versions including v3.x and v4.x) are supported
- RAR Archives with encrypted Filenames supported
- NEW! Multi-volume RAR archives support
- ZIP Archives support
- ACE Archives support
- Self-extracting archives are supported
- Archives created by various software packages are supported
- The program is very customizable: you can set the password length, the
character set to be used to generate the passwords, mask character, and a couple
of other options
- You can select the custom character set for brute-force attack (non-English
characters are supported)
- Brute-Force attack
- The "brute-force with mask" attack (with custom mask character) is available
- Dictionary-based attack is available
- Autosave password search state and resume after a stop or a crash
- Extract tool for ZIP, RAR and ACE archives
- The maximum password length is not limited
- CPU Priority control is available
- Full Skinning Support
- Auto Update tool automatically downloads and installs new versions of
ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery
The next versions will have much more useful features, of course
What are you waiting for? Download ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery Today!
Pay once, get it all!
There are a number of benefits to registering, these include:
- A registration key emailed to you which will unlock your demo version
and render it fully functional.
- All updates and upgrades to ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery will be FREE.
- Unlimited free Email support.
- A warm fuzzy feeling that you did the right thing.
- You'll be supporting good software and provide more incentives to make
ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery an even better program.
Click here to order your copy today!